Marketing your business in times of economic uncertainty expert advice marketing Jun 19, 2023

In times of economic uncertainty (like, say, an impending recession!), most people’s instinct is to cut costs and ‘batten down the hatches’...

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2022 is nearly done - itā€™s time to plan your marketing for 2023! marketing Dec 06, 2022

The end of each year and the dawning of a new one is often a time of reflection and making new resolutions and it’s an exercise worth doing in your...

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Iā€™ll let you in on a secret: If youā€™re in business, you need to be marketing! marketing Jul 02, 2022

According to the World Bank, the economic cost of gender inequality globally amounts to USD 160.2 trillion. It is my mission to change these statistics and...

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Let's talk about branding: An interview with brand expert Amanda Chetwynd branding expert advice Mar 20, 2022

Recently I was lucky enough to converse with Amanda Chetwynd, a fabulous graphic designer and brand expert, about all things branding.

I’ve been...

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Email is dead. Long live email! email automation email marketing Mar 01, 2022

Every few months or so I read an article or blog about how email is dead. Passe. Long gone. Old fashioned. No longer relevant.

The list goes on.

The fact is:...

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The Key Benefits of Content Marketing for Small Businesses: How to position yourself for success authority building content marketing Feb 01, 2022

The benefits of content marketing for small business owners and entrepreneurs are plentiful. Here we examine the top three benefits for you and your...

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